Adjournment: Homelessness
In this adjournment, I asked the Minister for Housing for an immediate funding increase for the ‘From Homelessness to a Home’ program and a commitment to Housing First models in Victoria. ADJOURNMENT – HOMELESSNESS My adjournment matter tonight is for the Minister for Housing, and my ask is that he increases immediate funding for the […]
Members Statement: Behrouz Boochani
Photo Courtesy: Janusz Molinksi In this members statement, I acknowledged the advocacy of Kurdish journalist and writer Behrouz Boochani. MEMBERS STATEMENT: BEHROUZ BOOCHANI Over the last month Kurdish journalist and writer Behrouz Boochani has been visiting Australia advocating against Australia’s punishment of people seeking asylum and refuge. I had the privilege of hearing him speak at […]
Motion: Group Voting Tickets
This motion called for the Victorian Government to establish an inquiry into the undemocratic group voting system that still exists in Victoria. MOTION: GROUP VOTING TICKETS That this house: (1) acknowledges that Victoria continues to be the only jurisdiction in Australia that uses the undemocratic group voting system to elect members to this place; (2) […]
Second Reading: Raise the Age Bill
Photo Courtesy: Nico Photography In the first week of Parliament for 2023, I second read the Greens’ Bill to raise the age of criminal responsibility from 10 to 14. SECOND READING – CHILDREN, YOUTH, AND FAMILIES (RAISE THE AGE) AMENDMENT BILL 2023 I move: That the bill be now read a second time. Two years […]
Members Statement: Climate Action
Photo Courtesy: Julian Meehan I began my work in the 60th Parliament with a members statement emphasising the need for serious climate action. MEMBERS STATEMENT: CLIMATE ACTION As we begin the work of the 60th Parliament I hope that the issues that impact our community the most are given the space and time to be aired […]
Adjournment: Response to Rise of Far-Right Extremism Inquiry
This adjournment was for the Premier, requesting that the Government respond to the Legal and Social Issues Committee’s inquiry into the rise of far-right extremism in Victoria. ADJOURNMENT: RESPONSE TO RISE OF FAR-RIGHT EXTREMISM INQUIRY My adjournment matter tonight is for the Premier, and my ask is that his government responds to the Legal and […]