We all want to enjoy neighbourhoods that are easy to move around in, have great public transport, and have plenty of safe, green public spaces to exercise, meet with friends, and relish nature.
For too long, big property developers have had too much influence over the planning of our city.
I’ve been fighting for years to protect and expand public spaces, make housing more affordable, make cycling safer and for better, greener and more accessible public transport.
Some of the things I’m calling for for Victoria are:
- Mandated affordable housing in all new property developments
- More affordable, sustainable and community led housing
- Restoring the rights of the community in local decision making, including VCAT, to stop developers gaming the system
- Increased sustainability of all new urban development, including solar panels or green roofs on new apartment buildings above three storeys
- Protected local parks, green spaces, and heritage
- More investment in public transport for minimum 10 minute turn up and go services
- Public transport brought back into public hands, so that it runs for the public good, not private profit
- No more toll roads
- Safer cycling and pedestrian infrastructure.
The Greens will reform our planning laws to put people before developer profits.